DIY Laser security system Arduino UNO | Extraparse

DIY Laser security system Arduino UNO

December 02, 20248 min read1558 words

A comprehensive guide to building a DIY laser security system using an Arduino UNO. This tutorial covers all necessary requirements, setup of pins and components, Arduino coding, and testing procedures.

Table of Contents


In today's world, securing your property is more important than ever. Building a DIY laser security system using an Arduino UNO offers an affordable and customizable solution to protect your home or office. This project leverages automation and hardware components to create an effective monitoring system that alerts you to any unauthorized entry.


To build your DIY laser security system, you will need the following components and tools:

  • Arduino UNO
  • Laser Module
  • Photoresistor (LDR)
  • Resistors x 6 (e.g., 10kΩ)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires
  • LED Indicators x 4
  • Buzzer x 1
  • Button x 1
  • USB Cable for Arduino
  • Computer with Arduino IDE installed

Setup of Pins and Components

Wiring Setup

  1. Laser Module Connection:

    • Connect the positive lead of the laser module to pin 5V on the Arduino UNO.
    • Connect the negative lead to the GND (ground) pin.
  2. Photoresistor (LDR) Connection:

    • Connect one end of the photoresistor to A0 on the Arduino.
    • Connect the other end to A0 (Analog Pin 0) through a 10kΩ resistor.
    • Connect the junction between the photoresistor and resistor to A0.
  3. LED Indicator and Buzzer:

    • Connect the LEDs positive leads to pins 4, 5, 6, 8 through a resistor.
    • Connect the Buzzer positive lead to pin 12.
    • Both components' negative leads should be connected to GND.

Pin Configuration Table

1| Component | Arduino Pin |
2| ------------- | ----------- |
3| Laser Module | 5V GND |
4| Photoresistor | A0 |
5| Red LED | 4 |
6| Green LED | 5 |
7| Arming Button | 6 |
8| Yellow LED | 7 |
9| Yellow LED2 | 8 |
10| Buzzer | 12 |

Diagram and Components Wiring

Technical drawing explanation of the setup.

Wiring diagram image

Below is the full components wiring setup photo.

Components Photo

Coding the Arduino Board

Below is the Arduino code for the laser security system. This code reads input from the photoresistor and controls the laser accordingly.

1// Arduino code for laser security system
2const int triggeredLED = 7;
3const int triggeredLED2 = 8;
4const int RedLED = 4;
5const int GreenLED = 5;
6const int inputPin = A0;
7const int speakerPin = 12;
8const int armButton = 6;
10boolean isArmed = true;
11boolean isTriggered = false;
12int buttonVal = 0;
13int prev_buttonVal = 0;
14int reading = 0;
15int threshold = 0;
18const int lowrange = 2000;
19const int highrange = 4000;
21void setup(){
23 Serial.begin(9600);
24 pinMode(triggeredLED, OUTPUT);
25 pinMode(triggeredLED2, OUTPUT);
26 pinMode(RedLED, OUTPUT);
27 pinMode(GreenLED, OUTPUT);
28 pinMode(armButton, INPUT);
29 digitalWrite(triggeredLED, HIGH);
30 delay(500);
31 digitalWrite(triggeredLED, LOW);
33 calibrate();
34 setArmedState();
37void loop(){
40 reading = analogRead(inputPin);
41 //Send data to the Serial Port
42 Serial.println(reading);
43 int buttonVal = digitalRead(armButton);
44 if ((buttonVal == HIGH) && (prev_buttonVal == LOW)){
45 setArmedState();
46 delay(500);
47 }
49 if ((isArmed) && (reading < threshold)){
50 isTriggered = true;}
52 if (isTriggered){
54 for (int i = lowrange; i <= highrange; i++)
55 {
56 tone (speakerPin, i, 150);
57 }
59 for (int i = highrange; i >= lowrange; i--)
60 {
61 tone (speakerPin, i, 150);
62 }
65 digitalWrite(triggeredLED, HIGH);
66 delay(50);
67 digitalWrite(triggeredLED, LOW);
68 delay (50);
69 digitalWrite(triggeredLED2, HIGH);
70 delay (50);
71 digitalWrite(triggeredLED2, LOW);
72 delay (50);
73 }
75 delay(20);
78void setArmedState(){
80 if (isArmed){
81 digitalWrite(GreenLED, HIGH);
82 digitalWrite(RedLED, LOW);
83 isTriggered = false;
84 isArmed = false;
85 } else {
86 digitalWrite(GreenLED, LOW);
87 digitalWrite(RedLED, HIGH);
88 tone(speakerPin, 220, 125);
89 delay(200);
90 tone(speakerPin, 196, 250);
91 isArmed = true;
92 }
95void calibrate(){
97 int sample = 0;
98 int baseline = 0;
99 const int min_diff = 200;
100 const int sensitivity = 50;
101 int success_count = 0;
103 digitalWrite(RedLED, LOW);
104 digitalWrite(GreenLED, LOW);
106 for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
107 sample += analogRead(inputPin);
108 digitalWrite(GreenLED, HIGH);
109 delay (50);
110 digitalWrite(GreenLED, LOW);
111 delay (50);
112 }
114 do
115 {
116 sample = analogRead(inputPin);
118 if (sample > baseline + min_diff){
119 success_count++;
120 threshold += sample;
122 digitalWrite(GreenLED, HIGH);
123 delay (100);
124 digitalWrite(GreenLED, LOW);
125 delay (100);
126 } else {
127 success_count = 0;
128 threshold = 0;
129 }
131 } while (success_count < 3);
133 threshold = (threshold/3) - sensitivity;
135 tone(speakerPin, 196, 250);
136 delay(200);
137 tone(speakerPin, 220, 125);

Code Explanation

Arduino IDE

Variables Declaration

Pin Assignments

  • triggeredLED & triggeredLED2: LEDs that flash when the system is triggered.
  • RedLED: Indicates the system is armed.
  • GreenLED: Indicates the system is disarmed.
  • inputPin: Reads analog data from the photoresistor.
  • speakerPin: Emits audible alarms via a piezo speaker.
  • armButton: Button used to toggle between armed and disarmed states.

State Variables

  • isArmed: Boolean to track if the system is armed.
  • isTriggered: Boolean to track if the system has been triggered.
  • buttonVal & prev_buttonVal: Track the arm button state.
  • reading: Current sensor reading.
  • threshold: Sensitivity level for triggering the alarm.

Constants for Tone Ranges

  • lowrange & highrange: Frequency range for the alarm sound.

Functions Overview

Setup Function

  1. Serial Communication: Initializes serial communication at 9600 baud for debugging.
  2. Pin Modes: Configures LEDs, the button, and speaker pins as OUTPUT or INPUT appropriately.
  3. Calibration: Calls the calibrate function to set the initial threshold based on the environment.
  4. Armed State Initialization: Calls setArmedState to initialize the system to an armed or disarmed state.

Loop Function

  1. Sensor Reading:

    • Continuously reads the sensor value (reading) from the photoresistor and logs it to the serial monitor.
  2. Button Press Handling:

    • Toggles the armed/disarmed state when the arm button is pressed.
  3. Trigger Check:

    • If the system is armed (isArmed) and the sensor value drops below the threshold, the alarm is triggered (isTriggered).
  4. Alarm Activation:

    • When triggered, the following actions are performed:
      • The speaker emits a sweeping tone (frequency oscillation between lowrange and highrange).
      • The LEDs (triggeredLED and triggeredLED2) blink alternately to indicate the breach.

setArmedState Function

  • Toggles the armed state of the system:
    • If Armed:
      • Lights the green LED.
      • Turns off the red LED.
      • Resets the triggered state.
    • If Disarmed:
      • Lights the red LED.
      • Turns off the green LED.
      • Plays a disarm tone sequence on the speaker.

calibrate Function

  1. Calibration Setup:
    • Collects a baseline reading over 10 samples while blinking the green LED.
  2. Threshold Adjustment:
    • Monitors the sensor and adjusts the threshold when a significant change (greater than min_diff) is detected for 3 consecutive readings.
  3. Final Threshold Calculation:
    • Averages the significant readings and subtracts the sensitivity constant to set the final threshold value.
  4. Calibration Completion:
    • Plays a tone sequence to indicate successful calibration.

Workflow Summary

  1. System Initialization:
    • The system calibrates itself and initializes the armed state.
  2. Arming/Disarming:
    • The user can toggle the system's armed state using the button.
  3. Monitoring:
    • Continuously reads sensor values and checks against the threshold.
  4. Alarm Triggering:
    • Activates visual and audible alarms when the laser beam is blocked (sensor reading drops below the threshold).

Armed Laser Alarm Photo


To ensure your updated laser security system operates correctly, follow these testing steps:

  1. Component Verification:

    • Check all connections against the wiring diagram.
    • Use a multimeter to verify voltage levels where applicable.
  2. System Activation:

    • Upload the updated Arduino code to the UNO board.
    • Power the system and verify the calibration process:
      • The green LED should blink during calibration.
      • A tone sequence should play on the speaker upon successful calibration.
    • Ensure the red LED is lit to indicate the system is armed.
  3. Simulating Intrusion:

    • Block the laser beam by placing an object in its path.
    • If the system is armed:
      • Observe the triggeredLED and triggeredLED2 alternately flashing.
      • Listen for the sweeping tone from the speaker.
    • Check the serial monitor for sensor value changes and ensure they fall below the threshold when the laser beam is interrupted.
  4. Arming/Disarming:

    • Press the arm button to toggle the system state:
      • In the armed state, the red LED should light up, and the system should monitor for intrusions.
      • In the disarmed state, the green LED should light up, and the system should ignore intrusions.
  5. Threshold Adjustment:

    • If the system is too sensitive or not sensitive enough, adjust the sensitivity or min_diff values in the calibration section of the code.
    • Re-upload the code and retest until optimal performance is achieved.
  6. Troubleshooting:

    • System Not Arming/Disarming: Verify connections to the armButton pin and ensure the button is functional.
    • No Sensor Reading: Check the photoresistor wiring and resistor values.
    • Speaker Not Sounding: Ensure the speaker is connected to the correct pin (speakerPin) and functioning.
    • LEDs Not Responding: Verify the connections to triggeredLED, triggeredLED2, RedLED, and GreenLED pins.

By following these steps, you can ensure the system operates as intended and performs reliably under various conditions.


Building a DIY laser security system with an Arduino UNO is an excellent project for enthusiasts interested in automation and hardware programming. This project not only enhances your security setup but also deepens your understanding of sensor integration and Arduino coding. Future enhancements could include adding wireless notifications, integrating with smartphones, or expanding the system to monitor multiple entry points. Experiment with different configurations and components to tailor the system to your specific security needs.